The Bridge
March 24, 2024




Big Idea:

The relationship between the church and her appointed missionaries form the bridge that allows the Gospel to be preached to the nations.


Key Scriptures:

1 Timothy 2:1-7

Isaiah 59:2

Isaiah 59:16

2 Corinthians 5:21

John 14:6

Matthew 28:19

Romans 10:14–15


Questions for Discussion

Getting to Know You: What is the most famous/impressive bridge you have ever crossed? What stood out to you about it?   

  1. What has the Spirit been speaking to you regarding missions, missionaries, or the Great Commission this month?
  2. How can individual members of ct|church work together to fulfill the Great Commission? (Matthew 28:19)
  3. How does it make you feel to know that you have been entrusted with the message of reconciliation? (2 Corinthians 5:11-21)
  4. Why is it important that individual members of the church work together in unity to fulfill the Great Commission?
  5. When you became a Christian, who or what was the bridge that allowed you to truly hear the Gospel for the first time?
  6. Where are there opportunities for your Life Group to serve missionally in the community or around the world?

Life Application: Have you been faithful to do all that God has called you to do as an individual and as a member of ct|church in the fulfillment of the Great Commission? If not, what changes do you need to make today to rectify that? 


Upcoming Events

RSVP for events at www.ctagsa.org/registrations.

Sunday, 3/31 | 10:00am
Easter Service

Wednesday, 4/3
No Midweek Activities

Saturday, 4/6 | 5:30pm
Arms of Comfort Potluck Fellowship

Sunday, 4/7 | 5:00pm
Missions Potluck
Arnie & Jenna Cazares from Vigo, Spain 



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