The Bridge
March 24, 2024
Big Idea:
The relationship between the church and her appointed missionaries form the bridge that allows the Gospel to be preached to the nations.
Key Scriptures:
Questions for Discussion
Getting to Know You: What is the most famous/impressive bridge you have ever crossed? What stood out to you about it?
- What has the Spirit been speaking to you regarding missions, missionaries, or the Great Commission this month?
- How can individual members of ct|church work together to fulfill the Great Commission? (Matthew 28:19)
- How does it make you feel to know that you have been entrusted with the message of reconciliation? (2 Corinthians 5:11-21)
- Why is it important that individual members of the church work together in unity to fulfill the Great Commission?
- When you became a Christian, who or what was the bridge that allowed you to truly hear the Gospel for the first time?
- Where are there opportunities for your Life Group to serve missionally in the community or around the world?
Life Application: Have you been faithful to do all that God has called you to do as an individual and as a member of ct|church in the fulfillment of the Great Commission? If not, what changes do you need to make today to rectify that?
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Arnie & Jenna Cazares from Vigo, Spain
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