7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Christians
Part 3
January 21, 2024



Big Idea:

We must be willing to accept change that will help us fulfill God’s purpose in us and let God’s love shine through us. That will usually come at a price.


Key Scriptures:

Romans 12:9-21

Malachi 3:6

1 Samuel 15:29

2 Corinthians 3:18

Ephesians 4:32

Matthew 16:24

Mark 10:17


Questions for Discussion

Getting to Know You: What are 3 of your greatest fears in life?

  1. Why do you think that most people are resistant to change?
  2. Describe a time in your life when you were ready for a change and a time when you most resisted change.
  3. What traditional values do you see being challenged in our nation today that you feel are the most damaging?
  4. When talking about evangelism, what does the following statement mean? “The delivery will change but the message will not.” Give some examples.
  5. What are some things in your life that are hindering you in fulfilling God’s purpose?
  6. Describe a time in your life that you had a plan but God brought directional change to your plan. What was the eventual outcome?

Life Application Question: What changes need to happen in your life for you to reach your full potential in becoming an effective Christian at home, at church, and in the marketplace?

Upcoming Events
RSVP for events at www.ctagsa.org/registrations.

Sunday, 1/28 | 11:30am
Youth & Juniors S.L.A.C.

Sunday, 1/28 | 4:00pm
S.A.L.T. Game Day & Potluck

Friday, 2/2 | 6:00pm
ct|Kids Night Out
* register here 

Friday, 2/9 – Saturday, 2/10
‘Knotted’ Marriage Seminar
* register here by Sunday, 2/4


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