Level Up
Join the Party
February 4, 2024
Big Idea:
Each member of the church is universally called and uniquely gifted to minister within the body of Christ and beyond.
Key Scriptures:
Questions for Discussion
Getting to Know You: What is one skill you secretly possess?
- What is, or has been, your favorite ministry role within the church? Why?
- When have you felt that you were part of a unit where all the parts worked together for a common goal?
- What do you consider the most important motivating factor for participation in church ministry? Why?
- Describe yourself as “part” of the body of Christ (an eye, hand, etc.). Why did you select that part?
- Read the list of spiritual gifts found in 1 Corinthians 12:27-31. Of the gifts listed, what do you consider your primary gift?
- Take turns affirming each person in the group with which spiritual gifts and Christ-like qualities you have noticed in them.
Life Application Question: How do you use your gifts in the church? What is holding you back from using your gifts more fully?
Upcoming Events
RSVP for events at www.ctagsa.org/registrations.
Sunday, 2/11 | 10:00am
Jersey Sunday
Guest Speakers, Ron & Susanne Cox
Wednesday, 2/15 | 8:30am
S.A.L.T. Toyota Plant Tour
Sunday, 2/18 | 5:00pm
Volunteer Appreciation Banquet
* register here by Sunday, 2/11
Sunday, 2/18 | 6:30pm
Annual Business Meeting
*If you do not receive your notes in your email inbox, check your junk/spam folder.