Level Up
Join the Party
February 4, 2024





Big Idea:

Each member of the church is universally called and uniquely gifted to minister within the body of Christ and beyond.


Key Scriptures:

Romans 12:4-8

1 Corinthians 12

Hebrews 2:4

1 Peter 4:10

1 Timothy 4:14


Questions for Discussion

Getting to Know You: What is one skill you secretly possess?  

  1. What is, or has been, your favorite ministry role within the church? Why?
  2. When have you felt that you were part of a unit where all the parts worked together for a common goal?
  3. What do you consider the most important motivating factor for participation in church ministry? Why?
  4. Describe yourself as “part” of the body of Christ (an eye, hand, etc.). Why did you select that part?
  5. Read the list of spiritual gifts found in 1 Corinthians 12:27-31.  Of the gifts listed, what do you consider your primary gift?
  6. Take turns affirming each person in the group with which spiritual gifts and Christ-like qualities you have noticed in them.

Life Application Question: How do you use your gifts in the church? What is holding you back from using your gifts more fully? 

Upcoming Events
RSVP for events at www.ctagsa.org/registrations.

Sunday, 2/11 | 10:00am
Jersey Sunday
Guest Speakers, Ron & Susanne  Cox

Wednesday, 2/15 | 8:30am
S.A.L.T. Toyota Plant Tour

Sunday, 2/18 | 5:00pm
Volunteer Appreciation Banquet
* register here by Sunday, 2/11

Sunday, 2/18 | 6:30pm
Annual Business Meeting



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