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Being a Disciple
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Big Idea:
What it means and what it will take to be a true disciple of Christ.
Key Scriptures:
Questions for Discussion
Getting to Know You: Who is the one person who has challenged and encouraged you most as a disciple of Christ? Share an example.
- If you could pick one of the twelve apostles to be your pastor, who would you choose? Why?
- How would you characterize your willingness to be a disciple?
- Why do you think so many of the early followers of Jesus left everything to follow Him? Why do you think some chose not to or later walked away?
- Have you ever been ashamed of Jesus? When?
- Read Luke 9:23-27 together. What do you imagine the disciples were thinking when they heard Jesus tell them to “take up their cross” and follow Him?
- Why does Jesus first call us to deny ourselves, then call us to take up our cross to follow Him?
Life Application: How is Jesus calling to you to follow Him? Are you walking in faith and obedience toward that call?
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