Back to the Basics
Being a Disciple
Sunday, April 14, 2024





Big Idea:

What it means and what it will take to be a true disciple of Christ.

Key Scriptures:

Matthew 9:9

John 12:26

Luke 14:26

Mark 12:30

1 John 4:20

John 8:31-32

Matthew 16:24

Matthew 4:20

Questions for Discussion

Getting to Know You: Who is the one person who has challenged and encouraged you most as a disciple of Christ? Share an example.

  1. If you could pick one of the twelve apostles to be your pastor, who would you choose? Why?
  2. How would you characterize your willingness to be a disciple?
  3. Why do you think so many of the early followers of Jesus left everything to follow Him? Why do you think some chose not to or later walked away?
  4. Have you ever been ashamed of Jesus? When?
  5. Read Luke 9:23-27 together. What do you imagine the disciples were thinking when they heard Jesus tell them to “take up their cross” and follow Him?
  6. Why does Jesus first call us to deny ourselves, then call us to take up our cross to follow Him?

Life Application: How is Jesus calling to you to follow Him? Are you walking in faith and obedience toward that call?

Upcoming Events

RSVP for events at

Saturday, 4/20 | 8:00am
Youth Serve Day at Agora
* register here

Saturday, 4/20 | 8:30am
Men’s Breakfast

Sunday, 4/21 | 5:00pm
S.A.L.T. Game Day & Potluck

Saturday, 4/27 | 9:30am
ct|women Table Talks
* register here


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