Guest Speaker, Ron Cox
The Blacksmith Remnant
February 11, 2024
Big Idea:
The spark of revival will come from those who expertly wield the sword of the Spirit and possess a determination to intercede to victory.
Key Scriptures:
Questions for Discussion
Getting to Know You: Are you generally early, on time, or late to meetings? If you have an appointment to meet someone, how long do you wait after the arranged time before giving up on them?
- What was your biggest takeaway from Sunday’s message?
- What do you think about Saul’s punishment for offering the sacrifice instead of waiting for Samuel? What can we learn from his mistake?
- When you play a game with sporting equipment inferior to your opponents, how do you feel?
- What is your typical reaction when things start to look bad?
- Why do you think Johnathan was successful where Saul was not? (1 Samuel 13-15)
- What conclusions can be drawn from the Israelite victory over the Philistine army in spite of having fewer numbers and no real weapons?
- If able, describe a time in your life when God had granted you a victory in spite of yourself.
Life Application Question: Is there is a situation in your life today in which you feel the odds are heavily stacked against you? What lessons from Sunday’s message and our text (1 Samuel 3-15) can you employ to begin to gain the victory?
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